Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Beauty is Pain": E07

Based on those two articles you have read, how far do you agree or disagree with the notion 'Beauty Is pain'. Is it worth enough for someone to face all the difficulties just for the ultimate desire that is beauty? Post and share your opinions with all.


AfiQ said...

The topic for this month is "Beauty is Pain"."Beauty is Pain", interesting topic to comment.I don't know what to say,
50-50. But, in my opinion, i agree that beauty is pain.Everyone want to be beauty right? Nowadays, so many people want to be beauty without think the cause from what they do.I mean here is the girl using "botox" to make them look younger than before.This surgery are used at face and also other skins especially at on the forehead and the cheek.This surgery is using needles to inject the chemicals into the skin of our body, do really cause an ultimate pain. They look beautiful only in the young age, but it can make pain to the uses when they become old.So thats why i agree that "Beauty is Pain". I hope the girls out there , don't make yourself in pain more.Just be yourself and accept what you have now.Thank you...

khairul afiq bin zakaria

Unknown said...

for me,beauty is pain is such a correct idioms.because i have been in such a situation.and yet, women really want to be they do not mind if they are in great pain or no, as long as they are beauty. not only for women, men also, there are some who love to be 'beauty'.that kind of men was called 'maskulin'.i am not sure whether i right or not. thanks


Mr. N said...

In this world, nobody is perfect. But,many people wanna be a perfect person.It's reminds me to the Simple Plan song "Perfect".It's same case with be beauty. Most of people want to be look beauty.They will do anything to be look beauty.

Just like in an article that we read in test 1,people are suffering just to be look beauty.Today, we can see many technology that can make people look more beauty such as slimming pill ,vitamin c or botox .For me, all this thing is not good.Because its has many bad effect to the user.

Thats all from me, for my last word,"everyone is beauty" thank U.


Anonymous said...

"Beauty is pain" a quote that we always hear these days. Why?? Because to become beautiful there are lots of chance of getting hurt.

For example, people who want to make him or her fair or maybe to reduce their acne immediately. The product that they use usually will have side effect. Even though, it will have side effect there are still people using it as they didn't mind the pain that they will suffer.

Besides that, there are also people who like to do plastic surgery. It is also one of the example of the beauty is pain. But normally the plastic surgery will not always become good some of it will be ugly and looks like a monster...hehe...

well that's all from me daa...

Aiesyah Ghazali

mahmood abas said...

beauty is pain which is the topic that i want to discuss and give my opinion.first of all,as we know beauty not everlasting forever.Beauty also pain when one of other person jealous with other person who beauty than them.they can make many thing for lose their feel such as kill,damage the beauty like through the acid at the face.otherwise,the beauty is pain when use the wrong and not quality product such as use "botox","susuk"
because the beauty is vital for each person especially women or girl.All of pain happen because of want beauty.applicate what you get from god.that all, thank you...

-ahmad syaharuddin bin rameli-

Anonymous said...


Beauty is pain..I cant agree more with Afiq.. Everyday girls cant go out without a makeup in her face. I don't know, maybe they are ashame of them self. Then they waste a hundred ringgit a month just to buy the things that makes them beauty. Why the girls a so afraid if they don't look beauty..? I mean, look at the man. They spent only RM 10 a month just to buy a hair gel..haha.. Then about the plastic surgery. In Islam, we do not allowed any change of body just to make it more beautiful. But nowadays people does not care bout that. What they want to do they just do it. As what Afiq says. The beauty of the surgery only last when they are young, but in the future surely they would suffer. Take example of the Hollywood famous stars. Just go to and type 'unsuccessful plastic surgery' and find lots of example of unsuccessful plastic surgery. Do you wants to be like that..?

Muhammad Suffian

dauzzzzz said...

Hi everyone.
'Beautiful is pain',what an interesting topic for this month.
What can i understand what the meaning for the topic is there are two types of beautiful.First is natural beauty and the second one is 'beauty by money'.
Men love beautiful women.Women nowadays are spend plenty of their money just for their beauty. For them, if they are not beauty, men will not fall in love to them. What can i understand the topic just now is, women rather spend plenty of their money just for beauty, and that is pain.
For me, i love women that most beautiful inside and outside, i does not care. Because one day, we will getting older and older and there is no term of 'beautiful' at our face again.
However,i hope that girls out there, make themselves beautiful from inside(kind) than outside(face and body).
That's all. Thanks

EC 08057

AfiQ said...

Good morning everyone,

I'm not understand what its mean by pain,it is internally or externally.
Personally, I feel that everyone feels pain internally or externally to feel or look beautiful.Everyone want make them as beauty as snow white, especially woman.As we know, beauty is the most important thing in our life.But, nobody was perfect in this world.So, for this topic ,"Beauty is Pain", i strongly agree with this phrase. Firstly,some woman like to get plastic surgery for himself because want to look young and make their part of body look nice back.But , if they take this surgery every month, what happen to them. In one article said that, they must continually get this surgery, if not it will make dangerous and the pain to the uses.
I hope the women out there, care on this case and just being yourself is the good thing.Lastly,don't make yourself in trouble anymore.
Thank you.

khairul afiq bin zakaria

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum and good morning to all my friends and my lovely teacher.
Today I want to talk about 'Beauty is Pain'. Nowadays,many actors and actress made a plastic surgery to their face or their body to look beauty. They willing to face the pain and spending a lot of money. The other method that they take to look beauty is by using 'botox'. It make them look younger than their age. This surgery is using needles to inject the chemical liquid to their face especially to their cheek. It also cause they may got pain when they inject the chemical liquid.
In my opinion, this all methods and surgery are not good and only waste the money. To look beauty, we do not need to get pain like that. I think if we take care to our face like always washing it and take care to our diet, it enough to look beauty. Many actors and actress at foreign there get the negative effect after they made a lot of surgery.
So, before you want take the surgery to look good, think twice and make the great discussion on it. That all from me just now. Thank you.....

yusri said...

Asalamualaikum,as usual I like to post a comment about"Beauty is Pain",it is interesting topic to be discussed.Actually I don't know what to comment about this topic because I think lady is more suitable to discuss about this topic as the always placing the beauty as a main priority in their life.But,I cannot deny that some of man also placing the beauty as main priority in their life. However no matter lady or man,in my opinion ,I actually agree that beauty is pain.It is pain because it cost a lot of money in order to make plastic surgery.Beside that ,the the process of surgery also suffering the person. For example injection of chemicals like Botox into the skin in order to make the cheek and forehead become more younger.But most of the person that using this method do not realize the effect of this surgery will cause a bad effect in the future. They maybe look beautiful and charming only in the young age, but it can make pain to the user when they become old.So, think wisely before trying something that will make you regret in the future.

Mohamad Yusri Yusof

Unknown said...

hello everyone...!!!
"beauty is pain"....miss your opinion....?;-)
i agree that beauty is pain because nowadays people willing to sacrifice their life to become beauty. for example people who want a slim body especially women they will take not enough food and also take pills (lost weight)as a result they become thin as one thick can get other disease. i think its very pain. not also women man also take some steroid to have a good muscle if i not mistaken. it is one of the drugs type. i agree that beauty is pain...

fadilah bt mohamad

Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Actually i don't really what to say to all.Are you serious that beauty is pain?It's true for the person to become beauty.This because the need to anything to become beauty.Some people spend a lot of their money only to take care of their beauty.For the person that originally beauty the y need to be thank to Allah.This because anybody want to become beauty.People now only want to become beauty.They don't think to do what and what will effect to them.They make the surgery only for the beauty.I think no need to do that.I think maybe we can do the others ways to become beauty.I think thats all.Thank you


Unknown said...

assalamualaikum and good morning...

"Beauty is Pain"...i do really agree with this this world,people willing to do anything just to get attention from others people. They do not really care bout the effect of doing it. nowadays,there were lots of people who did plastic surgery..especially celebrities. as example,Michael Jackson..he did plastic surgery just to change his personality to be better . Unfortunately,for me..he looks awful then before..he really looks like a ghost..haha..and i believe,he really suffer with it..but who knows because he never say it...
As the conclusion,i agree with the notion "Beauty is Pain" because it really mske people suffer for entire of their life..


Jester said...

Well do you ever heard some of your friend a thin one said "why i cant be fat a bit ? i keep eating already !" or a fat one said "i done what i should did, but still the same...". To me i think in this world is like that. Some people born thin and some are fat, but of cause there still some born perfect. However no matter how perfect sure human will ask for more, something that they don't have or something which opposite of his. So what we can do is to put effort on it and hope it works but not the way by force. For example a thin person keep eating or eat more than 3 meals a day. Or a fat one hold his or her appetite don't eat for few days. That is not correct at all and it doesn't work. However it bring illness making us suffer. In my opinion as long as we living in a good lifestyle taking a balance meal, the rest leave it to the god. Of cause i still will respect those who take on suffer in order to be perfect because that the road they choose and they success is a good news anyway.

Isaac King Yiu Joa

Unknown said...

"beaty is pain"...quite interesting...i do really agree with this is because people nowadays are willing to secrifice money and their body in pain just to look beautiful.moreover,beauty product today is full with chemical ingredient which give side effect in the a sane people we no need to be in pain to look beautiful as long as living in good lifestyle.

but before i end my words,i am not really agree with piang about his statement which is girls can't go out without make up in her face.not all girls are like that,only some of them do that for example,our lectre miss intan go to the class without a make up,looks natural..rite miss??hee~
that's all for now..thanx..

nurul atikah nasir

McN!Sh said...

Assalamualaikum and hello to everybody…

When we talk about this issue, it usually pointed at women. For women, beauty is everything. Most of the people I know these days are willing to sacrifice everything included money and health just to make her look beauty. They believe in extreme diet so they didn’t eat for quite some time and yet they were fainted. So, what is the point of getting beauty if you are unhealthy. As for me, I think that a good diet is not about not eating anything for quite some time but it is about taking food at certain quantity just like in the food pyramid.

‘Beauty is pain…’I do agree with it. As for me, I think it is not worth for people to suffer difficulties just to look beauty. Inner beauty is more important. If someone is beauty but his or her attitude is bad, it doesn’t make sense to me. Because for me, no matter how ugly he or she is, if he or she is a good person, kind-hearted and responsible, it is enough to be my friends. Beauty for me is just a bonus. Just satisfied with what you have. Build up the inner beauty is more important. Beauty may fade one day but the inner beauty will last forever. If you are good, then people will remember you and the good quality inside you.


slayblues89 said...

Assalamualaikum everyone..

"Beauty is Pain".. it's quite an interesting topic to comment on.. this topic is based on the two articles that we have read in test 1 few weeks ago..

Firstly, i strongly agree with this topic. Beauty is more related to womens. however, not all beautiful womens are in pain.. this statement are only for womens that are wasting their money just to make them looks more beautiful and younger.

today, there was so many products that can make a woman looks younger than her actual age.. besides, there were so many plastic surgery that can change a woman's face or body.. for me, these things are just wasting lots of money.. most of womens suffer in their old days caused from plastic surgery..

for these people, physical appearance is more important than inner beauty.. they don't think twice before make things that can make them beauty..

so, to all womans, just accepts what the God had gave to you..
nobody is perfect in this world..
that's all.. (,")


Syamim said...

Hello everybody.
Beauty Is Pain. I wonder where I have heard it before. What I understand from this phrase is that people are willing to do anything even to hurt themselves just for the sake of beauty. For me, no pain no gain. So,if you want something, you all must willing to do anything to get what you desire, what you want right? For me, I agree with the phrase beuaty is pain. In this up and down world, you will never get what you want without an effort. It goes the same for beauty. Everyone want to look beauty nowadays. Time has changed the people. Nowadays, everyone were following the latest fashion so they are up to date and will not recognise by other people as old fashion. There are many ways for people to get the beauty they desire. There are the traditional way and the modern way. One example of the modern way is plastic surgery. Many artist or celebrities nowadays like to do the plastic surgery so that they look younger,prettier and more beautiful. To do this surgery, they need to sacrifice their time and money just to make they more beautiful. After they do the surgery, they will have many taboo that they must follow and this will indeed make them to suffer. However, for them, this is nothing compare to the beauty they desire. Acually my friends,there are many ways to be beautiful. Anybody can be beautiful. It's not wrong to suffer for the sake of beauty as long you guys know what you are doing and not injured your body.Thank you.


Muhammad Mazizan Bin Msduki said...
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Muhammad Mazizan Bin Msduki said...

Assalamualikum and have a nice day everyone.

"Beauty is Pain" is one of the very popular topic today because it is too many people look beauty nowaday, expecially girl also women. Every person want to look beauty because they want to be the very popular person. For example, we can see how many person want to be popular today, so they join the programme that can cause they are very popular in their country. Before they join the program, they have do anything to be beauty, although it is hurt because what is the important to them is look beauty. So, that's why I am very agree with the topic that "Beauty is Pain". And I also agree that what my friends say that the person that want to be beauty can do anything although it is hurt, for example using "botox" and others that can make them beauty. So I hope to the person who want to be beauty, expecially girl or women, don't do anything that can hurt you but let it naturally because you don't know what can happens next when you are very beauty. I thing that's all, thanks.

Muhammad Mazizan Bin Msduki

kamal said...

Assamualaikum and hello everyone.
“Beauty is Pain”. What a nice topic but I still doesn’t have idea about the topic. I will do my best. For me, beauty is just a word that many people have their own understanding. In my understanding, it’s always related with women. This is because, women willing to do anything just to be beautiful women. For example we can see many celebrities in Hollywood especially women willing do anything to make their face beautiful. It’s true that we can do anything that we want as long we not disturb anybody. So, in my opinion there is no perfect person in this world. Even the person is the most beautiful person in this world, but the person also still has weakness. But, all we have to know and should know is, everybody in this world have their own specialty among other people. As a human that only hitch in this world, we must thankful for what we are now. That’s all for today, I hope all women do not pain because of the beauty, but always happy to have a wonderful life in this world especially to Miss Intan. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant to Miss Intan and to all my friends. Beauty is pain. Based on those two articles that I have read, I am totally agree that statement. Beauty is about a person that is beautiful, a pleasing feature and natural. It should not be synonym to the pain. Pain is the feelings that you have in your body when you have been hurt or when you are ill. Pain is really related to beauty salon that will make you to complete in this real world of beauty contest to become a beauty queen among them. Why woman need to treat their face, hair, nails, body and other parts even though the payment for those thing are very expensive? That is only one answer for that question, they are intended to be the most beautiful, a woman of a great beauty. It is not worth enough for someone to face all that difficulties. For me, it is comes to our minds. Beautify is nothing. You beautiful is true and that is a reality.
