Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hi students. We've just finished with the presentation on your Movie Maker project. Tell me what you feel about your individual presentation. What have you learnt from the presentation? How do you think you can improve your prsentation in the future?


akuscandal@akusingle (meo) said...

Assalamualaikum, hi everyone I hope all of you are still fine and smile always. So 1st of all thanks for all of my classmate because we have do the movie maker project. Overall they have done the best of their movie maker. Every group have their special movie maker to more attention from audience.
So about the individual presentation, I’m so worried because we do the movie maker and power point last minute. That is happen because we have not enough time to do the movie maker.
1. Low internet connectivity
2. Low of idea
So at this time we are maximum of confuse think about this project. So we are should squeeze our brain to make special movie maker.
So the moral value about presentation.
1. We can be more mature because when we are stand alone on the stage, so we should talk ourselves to all the audience.
2. Easy to me do more movie maker presentation when we are work soon because we have using before this.
3. Furthermore, this task can make people more responsible do the task and settle on the time.
That all for me.. So enjoy our technical writing …salam.
-PC 08057-

mr_klausner said...

shalom everyone.....
so nice to make movie marker again..and,very nice to make it individual....i don't think it's make problem to our class bcoz,we already make it b4 this right....Miss,when we do it in individual,we not need to west our time to discuss,collect a data,n not need to waiting to other person to make,it's simple we know,we not always with another person..sometime,we that,i think we must"berdikari"(don't 20sen me k).
I think,all of my classmate(P11)already learn to make it right.bcoz we already look our friend's movie n power point...
So,i think...we don't have any problem to make it in individual....Trust me,you all can do it!!!!!!!!
cesc Fabregas-
Sobrie Anak Juing

laVenDer said...

we've just finished the presentation on our movie maker.
We make a movie maker as a pair work but need to present it invidually.
hmmmm....actually I dont like a presentation.Everytime before present I always nervous even I had presented for many times.I dont know why.What I want to say before presentation must be disappear during the presentation.So what I say is always in spontaneous...huhuhu

I still not satisfied with my presentation because during the presentation most of the time I just read the slide show.I'm not elaborate it.maybe I'm to nervous.

After the presentation, I realise that I need to improve my English and learnt to control my emotion.

So from now, I think I want to read more English book.Never mind what type it is but probably love story..hehehehe and I want to collect the English movie because from it I can learnt to enhanced my language.
To overcome the nervous poblem...
I think I still dont get the best way to solve it.But in the future I try my best to control my heart beat... :)

nORANISA mOhd Nor..
pc o8o25

amoi_dulli said...

Salam n hello..

Presentation week had left us about 2 weeks ago and that moments still fresh in my mind.
I think everyone have done their best and gave the best shot during presentations. Different people with different combinations surely give different effects.

As for my individual presentation the other day,i think i really need to work on my communication and my eye contact with the audience. I was shacking and i couldn' really concentrate on giving my best speech in front. It was a bit disappointing but i take it as a lesson and hope that i would do better after this.

I also think that i'm having problem in delivering proper English.. eheh.. what i meant was, I think i wasn't using the proper English. It's like I was presenting about something spontaneously in front of my friends and forgotten that actually was a Presentation...
Oh My God..
Too upset and disappointed to refresh that day..
Overall, Im relieved as I finished presenting as i assume that was a big task..

hopefully i would be able to present better in future..


azila - nadiah dulli
pc o8 o43

natashabdkarim said...

hello tasha here...

for me..what I'm feel about the individual presentation it is fine..but then..a lot of things need to improved for example the prounounciation and how to delivery the presentation session..

Actually I'm not really go through the slide presentation very well compared to movie maker because I'm more interested to do a movie maker compared to slide presentation...

After this..I'm needs to learn more on how to make my slide presentation more interested and fantastic...I'm feel quite nervous during the presentation day because need to wearing a proper wearing proper attire can increase my confident level..
but then I'm still nervous...

Overall this presentation it's good enough for me..hoped that it can be better next time..

Thank you

Natasha Abd Karim
PC 08045

Anonymous said...

hi my friend and miss intan..

firstly,i want to say thank's to all because give us support to make the movie maker...

for me is very interesting and very fun ....beside that i lern many thing in the side..

what i fill on my present ?
i fill very nervous that time..
because before that i have all ready prepare that my presention...
but went i present in front of all i forgot all of thing...

i dont no how to over come being nervous...
i hope after this i learn how to control my self....

nor shamzilawati
pc 08009

Anonymous said...

peace apon to you...

hye there...

first of all...thank god for giving me to finished my presentation succesfully even i am not satisfied at all...i fell moody when my partner try to blame me because the mistake of his name..'say stupid to other for three times is such a pain.I am doing all the slide and the movie presantation own...How dare to say such a word to hurt someone...even i am a guy with hard heart but if the person at the time was not me, how he/she would be...try to think about it...

i am care about my mark because i am deal with someone to get higher pointer than him/her...

i want to take this oportunity to say sorry for my sweet lecturer Mis Syarifah Intan Safina cause my bad attitude in your class.....hope you will forgive me for I had done...

For all my freans,i was enjoyed to watch your presentation...

Last of all, keep smiling in your daily life even at that time your tears are start to come out,,...



linda said...


firstly thanks to god because i can finish the presentation successfully.

although we finish the presentation but im still not satisfied with my presentation.i think this is so bad presentation this time.

im still get the problem during and after presentation.before we complete the our product we get many problem because this is the our first time we make the movie maker.

im also not satisfied because i cannot make the presentation properly.we are the last group, so im so very nervous and also sad because cannot do the presentation like the other groups

but i hope i can make the presentation more better and properly.
'we can learn from the mistake'

thank you.


blueberry_cake said...

assalamualaikum wbt

thinking of that presentation makes me laugh. why? actually aieen and i decided to convey our presentation spontaneously. and yes, i think we have succeeded to do it 'that' way. hihi..

but i think, like zila said, it was a presentation. we have to do it properly with proper language, proper attire and we have to have eye contact with audience and all the techniques we have learned. in that case, i think we still have to improve other than our language.

i think, the best way is, while delivering the speech, we imagine that sitting in front of us is our prime minister or some other important person. by having that 'audience' at least in our mind, we have to present perfectly by preparing everything very very well before the day.

anyway, i'm satisfied with my presentation and indeed, i enjoyed it..hihi. can't wait to have another presentation.=D

nurul umi isteriah bt abd raoff

红番茄 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wanzue said...

Alhamdulilah..finaly presentation already need to think about that again..honestly..i feel my presentation is not to bad compared with my friends..for me something advance to make a movie maker because before this i didn't do that..i learn a lot about that..overall all my classmate do the best and have owm creativity specially who are expert in IT..i hope i wiil do better the future presentation because i learn a lot of mistake from that..still right now i'm still nerverse if i'm speach in front of audience..i dont know how i can disappear that..i'm very hope the next sem i will improve my presentation better than before...
thats all from me


shazana said...

hello everyone.
firsty i was thankful because lastly we had finished our presentation.There were a few problem that we have to faced during making the movie maker. As what Meor has said in his comment the low internet connectivity is one of the problems that we had to faced during the process of making the movie maker. Furthermore my partner and i also has lack of idea. We have to take a long time to think the idea. For the slide presentation i think its quite easy compare to the music video.Trough this slide presentation we can see the individual presentation. This kind of presentation encourage student to be brave in presenting their presentation in front the audience. In the individual presentation I also faced some problems where i felt nervous during the presentation. But there is away to overcome the nervousness. Lastly i would like to thank to my partner, Noranisa because she is the good partner and we have a good cooperation in making the music video become. successful.

janagi@janu said...

Hi guys
We just finished our moviemaker presentation I think everyone have done their best and do the best during their presentations.
As for my individual presentations, I think I am really
need to improve my communication skills and eye contact with audience. I think not using proper English and so nerves
that time.
I think when presentations need to avoid nerves and want improve presentations in the future.

That’s all from me


oreo cookies said...

hye miss..

Our class presentation had been done successfully...I am glad to present on date day with my partner Hakimah because we spend a lot of efforts and tmie to finish the movie maker about motorcycle...

I am enjoying to watch the presentation of my friends and there were alot of things I had learned in that presentation..

dats all..

tamemi said...

miss n friends..
still remember me......
How i feel about my presentation?
Well, for me the presentation is great for us to share our knowledge about different product.

The previous presentation, I think, I can simply say that it was not good enough and really bad. Not for this presentation only, actually, during the previous semester I also faced the same problem.
I don't know how to say but I really have a big problem in public speaking. Once I face the audiences, I'll feel so much nervous and my whole body shakes. Really nervous.huhuhu...
Besides that, i think presentation activities is a good for me and also all friends. its because when someone was familiar talking in front of the class they will not feel gabra to talking in public place.Then, I feel relexs if one day have presentation in the class also i can enjoy in my class.
So, that all from me....


PeArL....!!!! said...

hello miss....:)


it hasa big problem for me.. As you all know,i don't like presnt
:( :( :( huhuhuhu
but now...i have learned a lot from each presentation that i did.
From each presentation that i did, i notice my confidence level increase, i learned to accept doing mistakes while explaining and i learned to accept the fact that our presentation would not go as smoothly as we thought.
Particularly from this presentation, we explain to people the production of our movie. To me it was something that we could explain thoroughly because we were the one who did the whole process of the production. So to me, it was much more easier. And trust me that i shake a lot less while standing in front of the class..
And i must admit that presentations that i have done and i am going to do will definitely help me in the future.


From:hakimah pc08023

Unknown said...

Salam and hye everyone...
hope all of you are in a good day.

congratulation to me because i have finished my presentation..its so difficult for me to present because i less confidence when speak in front of mind will blank when i speak in front and sometimes its not the same as i want to explain..Sometimes,i skipped the note that i want to pity of me...
but now....when i present this presentation,a fell a little bit confident.. .
here...i have some tips to improve my presentation..when present,try to talk slowly but in a louder voice.So,others can hear you.Other than that,try to smile while present because its can make us fell more relax.moreover,before doing the presentation,practice first..practice makes perfect.
i hope i will done better in next presentation.

nur aisyah bt maidin

fan_d1824 said...

how are you guys? Hope you are fine.I want to congrate my classmates because they have done such a good effort to get the best movie maker presentation. I feel nervous when I standing in front of others. my hands shaking and my throat stucked. That is why I couldn't speak louder. I've learnt how to interact with others. The eye contact is important and speak louder as well. I think I should take the opportunity to speak in front of others and talk to the mirror in order to build up my confidece. So that I will feel peaceful, nobody will interupt me when I speak to the mirror.
Tha's all from me.

-Nor Afandi bin Mohd Yaacob-
-This is a computer generated document and no signature is required-

tom kurus said...


for the presentation...i think i'm doing alright just a few nervous and i have make it..

i 'm very nervous when i'm presenting .i don't know why..all my friend think i'm kidding when i said that..heheheh..
but the reality is yes..i'm very nervous even though they can't see that in my presentation..

the reason for my nervousness is i'm not ready for the presentation yet and feel not confidence wit my preparation.the lack of presentation that i have is one of the cause...we nowadays just hear our lecturer teach us with their slide show and give us assignment.that all.

i hope for the next semester..i will be more matured in doing presentaion and hope my communcation skill will improve..

zamree pc08012

Vincent said...

Finally, I had done my Movie Maker project and also my individual presentation. For me, I think I learnt a lot from the presentation. I learnt how to present the actual and clear meanings with a simple explanation. This is because I think most of audience will start feel bored with a complicated explanation in the presentation and even for me too.

Apart from that, I learnt speaking slower and louder while presentation is vital for the audience especially those who sit at the back of the classroom. (If there have a mic, it's better you use it for your presentation, hahaha.)

I think I can improve my presentation in the future with the lecture of DJ Walker through Youtube Videos. Also, I will also refer how attitude the journalist to be through TV news and I will attend more talks for my observation on the presentation skill of the M.C. Thank You.


红番茄 said...

It’s me feeling.

For doing movie maker, I really put a lot of effort to do that because I hope I can get a perfect product. This is because this is the first time that using movie maker and I want to leave a good memory for that. Thus, I didn’t concentrate about the presentation. But, for the presentation I already try my best that using within 2 days to prepare.

Actually, I prepare quite enough before the presentation. But my nervous feeling come and attack again. It damages my presentation. I fail to do my best. It was quite sad for me at that moment. Every time also like this, I can’t get relaxation at all. But, I still try my best to finish the presentation.

I hope that I can get better next time and try to relax myself always. May be I also can refer the example of others people to advance my presentation skill and technique. I believe in myself that I able to do it since other people also can do it.

Thank you.

m!zZ tuRa said...

After presentation, I and my partner, Rohanis... felt so good after several day try to finish up do the movie maker. We admit undeniably a lot of problem we faced when making movie maker. In early, we somewhat confused with Miss Intan information. I think about one product brand which produces a wide range of goods. For example Apple's brands, this brand having variety of products like computer, laptop, iPods, and others. But, after Miss Intan explain to us for twice and we understand that...hahaha
Then, we start to do our assessment...still had a problem! Internet connection very low...huh! It’s difficult to us for search the information about the product at internet. But.....we patient... and we just go on... AND our movie maker was done! I proud with myself and my classmate because have done our movie maker great well...

call me MiRA said...


now i'm going to comment about the presentation after the movie maker show...

huh i hate the presentation hahaha...

before start the presentation my partner,Linda and I fell very nervous because we are the last group to present...

for your information, i think my presentation is the worst because i didn't explain the point but just read it from the slides....and my voice are shaking and my voice are so fast like a train hahaha...

That is the confession from my own friends but i didn't blame them because i admit my presentation is worst on that day....

hmmm how am I going to improve my presenatation?

I still can't find solution huuhuhu...but i will try harder to make my presentation more good and best...and I hope i will be more fluently when talking in front of the audience..

that's all

Thank you...

-nurul amirah abd rahman-

zaki88_econs said...

Hello dear..

For presentation,I would like to share with you all about movie maker process. Many of us have their skill to made movie look nice. For me, i'm used many resouces and idea to make the presentataion decide with technical needed.

During presentation begin,i'm effort to made it in very well. But I'm really to give input is needed for our member based on slide show presentation.

some us think that, it not important but public speaking can improved Inglish languages. That way is one of learning how to become a advance English languagers.

Thank for Miss Intan because help to much student P11 while input have given. so, blank no idea.

That all..Marzuki b. Shari

TaMinG SaRi said...


We meet again...
About the individual presentation, i think i need to do something about it. Actually, i hate presentation. When want to present i feel nervous and can't speak well.

To change it, i need to improve my English and try to speak with others to improve my communication.More important is,try to make a slide and my appearance interesting.

For the conclusion, i hope i can present well in the future.

Thank you.

- M.Taha -
- PC 08030 -

Rohanis said...

Salam…fuh…I really feel out of tension. This week have many assignments to do besides presentation. We must pass up many assignments on this week. After the presentation for English writing is finish, I can do and pay attention for other subject presentation, quizzes, and also tests. Doing presentation is one of the way to express and all what we want to tell about what we had done for movie maker is explained. The flow of making it. The problems we had faced why we choose the product and how we make a movie maker. Doing presentation is one of the way to speak out to audience and can make our self confidence increasing. Furthermore, we can improve our English and may look familiar with talking in English. In addition, after doing many presentations and we need to talk in English, we do not fell clumsy. Do a lot of practice next time before doing presentation, will less me stressful. Hopefully after this, I can do my best.

Anonymous said...

something that i have done before..
on that day,i'm so nervous..
through the movie maker,i learn much..
umi and i decided to choose camera..
my friends tried ti attract the audience through the movie..
i need the creativity on my mind..
what i want to show is done..
so i'm so satisfied and our teamwork is better

noor 'aieen bt md salleh

Buddyzz said...

I trust that every student have their own “story” during preparing for the movie maker and the power point for presentation which is an assessment to us. After that, everyone will had sharing their experience to other. Now I am also would like to share about my “story” but may be not so interesting to read,
My partner is feeling, we had chose the telephone as our product. During the early of the preparation which the time considering about the presentation’s product, we found that some group have chose the same telephone as their product, but later they had changed the product but we still continue with the telephone.
During the preparation, we found so many problem, the most trouble is during unconnecting of internet to search for the information. But finally we managed to finished own movie maker and power point, and waited for the presentation. That is all about the story…..


Buddyzz said...

Good day to all..
We had just done the presentation about the movie maker. Everyone has own commence about the presentation. For me, it really enjoyable especially when we have done the preparation and just wait to see the result come out, even though it more challenging for me, but it is something new to learn. The presentation became more funny and enjoyable with watching the movie from others friends, we are sharing the ideas together and learn from each other.
Let talk about the feeling during the time of presentation, of course it is full by the nervous, but I tried to motivate my self to do the best as a can, try very hard to do the best. I still remember during the presentation, I can’t speak louder because too nervous, don’t know why, my sound can’t come out. I become more nervous when the holes classes looked at me and theirs ears are listening to what I said.


Buddyzz said...

Good day to all..
We had just done the presentation about the movie maker. Everyone has own commence about the presentation. For me, it really enjoyable especially when we have done the preparation and just wait to see the result come out, even though it more challenging for me, but it is something new to learn. The presentation became more funny and enjoyable with watching the movie from others friends, we are sharing the ideas together and learn from each other.
Let talk about the feeling during the time of presentation, of course it is full by the nervous, but I tried to motivate my self to do the best as a can, try very hard to do the best. I still remember during the presentation, I can’t speak louder because too nervous, don’t know why, my sound can’t come out. I become more nervous when the holes classes looked at me and theirs ears are listening to what I said.
I can see that all my friends are really good in their presentation. The movie maker became more funny and enjoyable with the song provided. Everyone have bone the good jobs, well done to all my friends.


Hamba Allah bin Hamba Allah said...

Assalamalaikum and very good morning from miss Intan..
I would like to say sorry to our lecture due to my late posting comment
I think my individual presentation is not good enough because of I'm not well prepared for the presentation.From the presentation,the new thing that I have learn is on the communication skills on how to make your presentation to be an enjoyable presentation.
I must improve my presentation to attract the people to hear my presentation.i will make it more interesting.lastly, i hope miss and my friends can help me to improve my presentation.that all.
Thanks you.